Inflammation of inner tissue of eye called Uveitis. Some times it involve/spreads upto lens, retina and optic nerve and affect vision due to degeneration of tissues. It involve iris, cilliary body, choroid called uveal tract.
Uveitis is a group of inflammatory disease that produce swelling, destroy eye tissue, affect vision and cause pain. It can for short or long time. uvea is middle layer of eye having highly vascular area of eye and only way to enter inflammatory calls in eye. Uveities related to auto immune disorder of body. It may be -
Anterior Uveitis - most commonly happen in young and middle age, Intermediate Uveitis - in young adult, Post Uveitis - It involve retina and choroid, Pan Uveitis.
1. Auto immune disease (An attack from body's own immune system)
2. Any infection or tumor in body
3. Toxicity in body that affect eyes
Symptoms of Uveitis –
May be is one or both eyes redness, eye pain, irregular pupil, photophobia, watering, blurring vision, floatters, headache.
1. Visual Acuity Test
2. Fundoscopic Exam
3. IOP
4. Slit Lamp Exam
5. HO Systemic Disease
6. Ocular History
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Ayurvedic eye treatment offers holistic approaches to eye care that have been practiced for centuries. Our blog provides a wealth of information on Ayurvedic remedies, retina care, and natural solutions for various eye conditions. From tips on maintaining eye health to in-depth articles on Ayurvedic treatments for specific eye ailments like retinitis pigmentosa and glaucoma, our blog covers a wide range of topics to help you stay informed and make informed decisions about your eye health.
With a focus on evidence-based Ayurvedic practices and expert insights from leading Ayurvedic practitioners, our blog aims to educate and empower readers to take proactive steps towards better eye health. Whether you're curious about the benefits of Ayurvedic eye care, seeking alternative treatments for common eye conditions, or simply looking for practical tips to maintain healthy vision, our blog has something for everyone.
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